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The Marvel-ous You


We all remember the crazy hold Marvel movies had on us in the recent past. Or I am the only one?

Avengers: Endgame came out in 2019 and had a worldwide grossing of $2.8 Billion! It is the second highest grossing movie worldwide till date! We all had the time of our lives watching it in theatres and hooted our hearts out when Captain America held that Hammer. I’m sure I might’ve shed a little tear when Sam said, “on your left, Captain”.

Today, in this article, I will talk about how you can take inspiration from your favorite characters to regain that control over your life.

Thor: The need for accepting responsibility- Like Thor was burdened with responsibility of the throne when his father died along with the responsibility of the universe, we must accept the responsibilities that fall upon our heads, willingly or unwillingly and use our abilities for the greater good.

Hulk: Managing Emotions- Learning from Hulk that harnessing our emotions yields a positive impact not only on us but on the people surrounding us. It gets very important to be in control of your emotions than letting them take control over you.

Doctor Strange: Learning from Failures- upon moving from a narcissistic surgeon to becoming the only person struggling do perform the mystic arts in the class, Doctor Strange has taught us to be determined and never give up. Failure is not the end, it is a reason for you to learn more, adapt, get up every day till you excel.

Scarlet Witch: Overcoming the Past- throughout the series, she has grappled with trauma, loss and death. But she has shown that the journey of healing oneself, although difficult, is the path for overcoming wounds and finding inner strength. Like her, we must put ourselves on the path of healing in order to keep going on.

Iron Man: Dedication- his determination throughout the series even in the face of danger, failure and helplessness has taught us to have an unwavering confidence in ourselves and be dedicated in our lives. We must never lose sight of our goals regardless of what stands in our way. Be there for people, like he always was.

The need of Resilience- Throughout the series, Marvel Superheroes have dealt with failures, losses and death. Even after all that, they have always gotten up to fight for what they must; with great power comes great responsibility. They faced that adversity & insurmountable challenges yet again and have emerged victorious. What truly matters is finding that willingness to get up yet again after falling down innumerable times.

Teamwork- No win could’ve been possible has there been just one Superhero against the challenges. The sheer importance of teamwork and planning is reflected in all the movies, in all the scenes. One mustn’t be afraid to ask for help should the need arise or give help if someone asks for it.

Marvel is not just a series to marvel over, it is something that we could draw our everyday life motivation from. Although fictional, they provide us with immune able stories, experiences and instances that if we look carefully at, hold the power of teaching us something valuable to our lives. The point is not to over-analyze the movies but to absorb the life instances of each character and moment. Incorporating these instances in your life, you might not be able to drastically turn your life around and start from scratch but you would be able to see small changes in your daily life. These small changes would integrate and help you become a stronger person.

Let's take our lives better one step (or in this case, one character) at a time and not disappoint Nick Fury because you have no eye-dea what he can do.

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